4,659 research outputs found

    Determination of Realistic Fire Scenarios in Spacecraft

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    This paper expands on previous work that examined how large a fire a crew member could successfully survive and extinguish in the confines of a spacecraft. The hazards to the crew and equipment during an accidental fire include excessive pressure rise resulting in a catastrophic rupture of the vehicle skin, excessive temperatures that burn or incapacitate the crew (due to hyperthermia), carbon dioxide build-up or accumulation of other combustion products (e.g. carbon monoxide). The previous work introduced a simplified model that treated the fire primarily as a source of heat and combustion products and sink for oxygen prescribed (input to the model) based on terrestrial standards. The model further treated the spacecraft as a closed system with no capability to vent to the vacuum of space. The model in the present work extends this analysis to more realistically treat the pressure relief system(s) of the spacecraft, include more combustion products (e.g. HF) in the analysis and attempt to predict the fire spread and limiting fire size (based on knowledge of terrestrial fires and the known characteristics of microgravity fires) rather than prescribe them in the analysis. Including the characteristics of vehicle pressure relief systems has a dramatic mitigating effect by eliminating vehicle overpressure for all but very large fires and reducing average gas-phase temperatures

    Hazardous Product Detection and Environmental Clean-up Removal in Spacecraft Vehicles from Fire Induced Li-Ion Fires

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    A fire on-board the International Space Station (ISS) resulting from a commercial Surface Pro tablet Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) battery can be detrimental to the spacercraft and the astronauts. The Spacecraft Fire Safety Demonstration (Saffire) program is focused on identifying and quantifying the risks that potentially arise inside a space vehicle by conducting large fire experiments inside the Cygnus cargo vehicle upon re-entry to Earth. The potential candidate that will be flown on the ISS is a 4- cell Li-ion battery pack Surface Pro tablet (42 Wh). The tablets were tested at the White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) using a localized heating method to emulate the failing mechanism that leads the unit into thermal runaway. Measurements inside the test chamber were performed on aerosol mass concentrations and for specific toxic products (i.e. from CO, HCN, HCl and CO2). These toxic products depend on the size of the fire and energy content of the tablet. Comparisons will be made with the Dell XPS (97 Wh). The concentrations are then used to extrapolate to laptop fires on a vehicle at the approximate volumetric size of the Orion spacecraft. The presentation provides an analysis on the detection capability and the response time to trigger fire alarms aboard a vehicle by using the mass concentration levels. These results will consider the rate at which the life support system is able to filter the atmosphere in order to provide a hazardous free environment

    Nonlinear Gulf Stream Interaction with the Deep Western Boundary Current System: Observations and a Numerical Simulation

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    Gulf Stream (GS) separation near its observed Cape Hatteras (CH) separation location, and its ensuing path and dynamics, is a challenging ocean modeling problem. If a model GS separates much farther north than CH, then northward GS meanders, which pinch off warm core eddies (rings), are not possible or are strongly constrained by the Grand Banks shelfbreak. Cold core rings pinch off the southward GS meanders. The rings are often re-absorbed by the GS. The important warm core rings enhance heat exchange and, especially, affect the northern GS branch after GS bifurcation near the New England Seamount Chain. This northern branch gains heat by contact with the southern branch water upstream of bifurcation, and warms the Arctic Ocean and northern seas, thus playing a major role in ice dynamics, thermohaline circulation and possible global climate warming. These rings transport heat northward between the separated GS and shelf slope/Deep Western Boundary Current system (DWBC). This region has nearly level time mean isopycnals. The eddy heat transport convergence/divergence enhances the shelfbreak and GS front intensities and thus also increases watermass transformation. The fronts are maintained by warm advection by the Florida Current and cool advection by the DWBC. Thus, the GS interaction with the DWBC through the intermediate eddy field is climatologically important.NCC2-1371Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Prenatal Insecticide Exposures and Birth Weight and Length among an Urban Minority Cohort

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    We reported previously that insecticide exposures were widespread among minority women in New York City during pregnancy and that levels of the organophosphate chlorpyrifos in umbilical cord plasma were inversely associated with birth weight and length. Here we expand analyses to include additional insecticides (the organophosphate diazinon and the carbamate propoxur), a larger sample size (n = 314 mother–newborn pairs), and insecticide measurements in maternal personal air during pregnancy as well as in umbilical cord plasma at delivery. Controlling for potential confounders, we found no association between maternal personal air insecticide levels and birth weight, length, or head circumference. For each log unit increase in cord plasma chlorpyrifos levels, birth weight decreased by 42.6 g [95% confidence interval (CI), −81.8 to −3.8, p = 0.03] and birth length decreased by 0.24 cm (95% CI, −0.47 to −0.01, p = 0.04). Combined measures of (ln)cord plasma chlorpyrifos and diazinon (adjusted for relative potency) were also inversely associated with birth weight and length (p < 0.05). Birth weight averaged 186.3 g less (95% CI, −375.2 to −45.5) among newborns with the highest compared with lowest 26% of exposure levels (p = 0.01). Further, the associations between birth weight and length and cord plasma chlorpyrifos and diazinon were highly significant (p ≤ 0.007) among newborns born before the 2000–2001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory actions to phase out residential use of these insecticides. Among newborns born after January 2001, exposure levels were substantially lower, and no association with fetal growth was apparent (p > 0.8). The propoxur metabolite 2-isopropoxyphenol in cord plasma was inversely associated with birth length, a finding of borderline significance (p = 0.05) after controlling for chlorpyrifos and diazinon. Results indicate that prenatal chlorpyrifos exposures have impaired fetal growth among this minority cohort and that diazinon exposures may have contributed to the effects. Findings support recent regulatory action to phase out residential uses of the insecticides

    Survey of micrometeorological parameters within a forest canopy at Fort Polk, Louisiana, A

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    CER80-81WZS-FWL-WEM44.Includes bibliographical references (page 44).February 1982.A field investigation of micrometeorological parameters inside and above a forest canopy at Fort Polk, Louisiana, was conducted in conjunction with the Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory Dusty Infrared Test IIIA. The three orthogonal components of the wind, ory- and wet-bulb temperatures and total solar radiation were measured inside this forest canopy by means of an instrumented meteorological tower. In addition, turbulence inside the forest canopy was monitored by means of hot-wire anemometers. Tethersonde balloon sounding above the forest canopy was further performed. The meteorological data was reduced by means of three different statistical methods. Single sample period values, one-minute sample averages and sequential sample values were computed. The latter two methods led to the construction of time series which can readily be used to perform advanced statistical analyses. Totals of 27 h 29 min of meteorological tower data and 2 h 50 min of balloon data were reduced. The results are presented in tabular form in 1422 tables and partially displayed in 1795 figures under separate cover in view of their large volume. Selected samples of the results are, however, presented herein. The results supply a data base for analyses of airflow in a forest canopy. Suggestions for future work of significance for mission-oriented cases and for modeling of airflow in a forest canopy are outlined.Contract DAAG29-76-D-0100 conducted for the U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range

    Plasma Cell Ontogeny Defined by Quantitative Changes in Blimp-1 Expression

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    Plasma cells comprise a population of terminally differentiated B cells that are dependent on the transcriptional regulator B lymphocyte–induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp-1) for their development. We have introduced a gfp reporter into the Blimp-1 locus and shown that heterozygous mice express the green fluorescent protein in all antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) in vivo and in vitro. In vitro, these cells display considerable heterogeneity in surface phenotype, immunoglobulin secretion rate, and Blimp-1 expression levels. Importantly, analysis of in vivo ASCs induced by immunization reveals a developmental pathway in which increasing levels of Blimp-1 expression define developmental stages of plasma cell differentiation that have many phenotypic and molecular correlates. Thus, maturation from transient plasmablast to long-lived ASCs in bone marrow is predicated on quantitative increases in Blimp-1 expression

    Characterization of Laptop Fires in Spacecraft

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    An accidental fire involving the Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) battery in a laptop computer is one of the most likely fire scenarios on-board a spacecraft. These fires can occur from a defect in the battery that worsens with time, over-charging the battery and leading to failure or accidental damage caused by thermal runaway. While this is a relatively likely fire scenario, very little is known about the how a laptop computer fire would impact a sealed spacecraft. The heat release would likely cause a pressure rise, possibly exceeding the pressure limit of the vehicle and causing a relief valve to open. The combustion products from the fire could pose a short-term and long-term health hazard to the crew and the fire itself could cause injury to the crew and damage to the spacecraft. Despite the hazard posed by a laptop fire, there is little quantitative data on the fire size, heat release and toxic product formation. This paper presents the results of initial attempts to quantify the fire resulting from a failed laptop fire tested at the NASA White Sands Test Facility (WSTF). The data from the testing is useful to attempt to determine the fire size and characteristics such as maximum heat release rate, total heat release, maximum temperatures and fire duration are determined. Using existing models and correlations for fires, the measured fire characteristics are extrapolated to laptop fires on a vehicle the approximate size of the Orion spacecraft

    Differential requirement for OBF-1 during antibody-secreting cell differentiation

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    Resting B cells can be cultured to induce antibody-secreting cell (ASC) differentiation in vitro. A quantitative analysis of cell behavior during such a culture allows the influences of different stimuli and gene products to be measured. The application of this analytical system revealed that the OBF-1 transcriptional coactivator, whose loss impairs antibody production in vivo, has two effects on ASC development. Although OBF-1 represses early T cell–dependent (TD) differentiation, it is also critical for the completion of the final stages of ASC development. Under these conditions, the loss of OBF-1 blocks the genetic program of ASC differentiation so that Blimp-1/prdm1 induction fails, and bcl-6, Pax5, and AID are not repressed as in control ASC. Retroviral complementation confirmed that OBF-1 was the critical entity. Surprisingly, when cells were cultured in lipopolysaccharide to mimic T cell–independent conditions, OBF-1–null B cells differentiated normally to ASC. In the OBF-1−/− ASC generated under either culture regimen, antibody production was normal or only modestly reduced, revealing that Ig genes are not directly dependent on OBF-1 for their expression. The differential requirement for OBF-1 in TD ASC generation was confirmed in vivo. These studies define a new regulatory role for OBF-1 in determining the cell-autonomous capacity of B cells to undergo terminal differentiation in response to different immunological signals

    Arrays of individually controlled ions suitable for two-dimensional quantum simulations

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    A precisely controlled quantum system may reveal a fundamental understanding of another, less accessible system of interest. A universal quantum computer is currently out of reach, but an analogue quantum simulator that makes relevant observables, interactions and states of a quantum model accessible could permit insight into complex dynamics. Several platforms have been suggested and proof-of-principle experiments have been conducted. Here, we operate two-dimensional arrays of three trapped ions in individually controlled harmonic wells forming equilateral triangles with side lengths 40 and 80 μm. In our approach, which is scalable to arbitrary two-dimensional lattices, we demonstrate individual control of the electronic and motional degrees of freedom, preparation of a fiducial initial state with ion motion close to the ground state, as well as a tuning of couplings between ions within experimental sequences. Our work paves the way towards a quantum simulator of two-dimensional systems designed at will